MCG clinical study was presented at ESC Acute Cardiovascular Care 2018 in March 3rd, in Milan, Italy. This study was conducted in Myanmar, where the locations of the cath-lab are very limited. MCG was compared with CAG, and it showed high sensitivity and specificity for the presence of severe CAD by CAG (≥ 75%). By Author, it is evaluated as “MCG could be used for prompt detection of severe CAD in order to start appropriate (PCI/Optimal Medical Therapy) treatments in the emerging country such as Myanmar where less medical facilities and skills are available.”

Premier Heart International, LLC offers MCG (Multi-function CardioGram) analysis service to your cardiac care. MCG is non-invasive and high accuracy ECG testing tool. It analyzes abnormality of heart, mainly ischemic heart disease.its AI computer compares the patient's ECG data with the 40,000 people's clinical data base. It can be used safely without any harm to the patient and is approved FDA(510k) and get CPT insurance code.