In French population-based cohort study involving 6,626 individuals, an increased number of optimal cardiovascular health metrics were significantly associated with lower risk of incident dementia. The metrics are defined by AHA, the American Heart Association, as a 7-item tools such as; 1)nonsmoking, 2)body mass index <25, 3)regular physical activity, 4)eating fish twice a week or more and fruits and vegetables at least 3 times a day, 5)cholesterol <200 mg/dL[untreated], 6)fasting glucose <100 mg/dL[untreated],and 7)blood pressure <120/80 mm Hg[untreated] These findings may support the promotion of cardiovascular health to prevent development of risk factors associated with dementia. MCG is the non-invasive test device to detect the cardiovascular disease related to the above metrics. Check MCG and improve your life style not only for your cardiovascular health but also for dementia. For more details of the study, please see th...
The 59th Annual scientific meeting of Japan Society of Ningen Dock was held in August 30th and 31st in Niigata, Japan. Thousands of medical specialists gathered and many studies were presented during the meeting. Premier Heart exhibited MCG at the meeting and we thank many doctors and co-medical specialists who visited and listened to our presentation about MCG services. Japan society of Ningen Dock is the largest organization for health checkup centers in Japan. More than 4,000 doctors, nurses, and people related to medical entity will gather the meeting and have presentations and discussions about the health check up and preventive medicine.